The delay function AVR Atmega Timer Configuration

Real-time timer :
The ‘delay’ function as used in the workshops is limited because it depends on approximate timing based on how long the processor takes to execute the ‘NOP’ instruction, and the limitations of the size of an integer means that the maximum delay will be approximately 65 seconds. Furthermore, the processor cannot do anything else while the delay is going on, and any interrupts run during the ‘delay’ will cause the delay to be longer than intended. The Atmel ATmega168 does provide the facility to maintain more accurate and longer timings through the use of the crystal oscillator and the timer/counter circuitry in the processor. Your task is to work out how to use these components so that programs can be written to accurately trigger events after an amount of time, specified in minutes and seconds. The system should be able to handle delays from a minimum of 1 second up to at least 60 minutes after ‘set’. The function should allow for the timer interval to be set (input) in minutes and seconds. Note: Assume the processor is setup as in the lab sessions (including crystal oscillator used with the frequency specified in Nerdkit Guide). Your solution should include the following:
1. Overall description of the principles of operation of your solution
2. Description of all timer/counters, registers, and interrupts used and their function
3. Details of all configuration information to get the processor to perform this function (e.g. what needs to be written to different configuration registers, including explanations on WHY particular bits are set or cleared)
4. Description of the overall algorithm(s) to implement the function Note: This can be in the form of pseudocode. Code fragments (lines of code) can be used to demonstrate where appropriate. Note: You do NOT have to write the whole program for this assignment.
A checklist below to ensure you address the assignment requirement CORRECTLY:
NOTE: No real code required except the PSEUDO code
Delay can be from 1 sec up to maximum specified
Note it says delays in minutes and seconds – so 1 sec resolution needed
Ensure all configuration ports are considered
Explain logic clearly
Timing calculations MUST be shown
Check for accuracy
ALL configuration must be taken into consideration
Ensure that bits that need to be cleared (value of ‘0’) – must be done explicitly o Do NOT assume they will be ‘0’ to begin with
Ensure you understand how modes work
Always set parameters before turning on interrupts
Check how timer clock can be started/stopped

windows 7 and 10, writing homework help

At your workplace, company training is currently being conducted for all employees on Windows 10. Some employees are resistant to change, as they are comfortable with Windows 7 and do not want to upgrade since the new interface is quite different. These resisters are constantly complaining during the training sessions, and are always finding fault with the trainer’s presentations. The mood in the training room is deteriorating. You and a few other colleagues have heard that these employees are telling their managers that the trainer is not competent, and that the upgrade to Windows 10 should be delayed, as they are not ready for the conversion.
1. What should you and your colleagues do? Would it be wise to tell management of their tactics, or should you try to win them over to Windows 10 without turning them in?2. Would your strategy be different if you work closely with the resisters? If you try to win them over to 


MODULE TITLE: The Real World of Management
LECTURER:                Dave Smith
ISSUE DATE:              Monday 4 th February 2019
SUBMISSION DATE:   Friday 10 th May 2019 12:00pm (noon/midday)
HAND BACK DATE:    Friday 7 th June 2019
Learning                  outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:Evaluate                            the significance, strengths and limitations of theory in a                           real-world contextApply                                appropriate research approaches, tools and techniques to                            academic/organisational contextsCritically                            evaluate the role of managers as researchersDraw                                 on research, experience and appropriate literature to evidence                           depth and breadth of learning and development through an on-going                         Critical Learning PortfolioPlease                       see detailed marking scheme on pages 5 – 6.
BA Business and Management – Level 6
MAN6006 The Real World of Management
Individual Assessment and Guidelines
Lecturing Team
Dave Smith (Module Leader)
e-mail: [email protected]
Room: C258
Kurt Lewin proposed that “there is nothing so practical as a good theory” (Lewin 1951).
It is with this in mind the purpose of this module is to critically explore and evaluate academic theories and concepts within a real-world context.
This will be accomplished by the on-going development of a critical portfolio in which participants compare, contrast and critically evaluate the potential linkages, tensions and contradictions between a chosen academic conceptual framework and its lived experience.
The module takes an ‘action oriented’ approach encouraging students to engage and reflect on their own learning and development, in terms of both knowledge and self. Participants have the opportunity to develop key employability skills by critically exploring, at both a theoretical and practical level, concepts such as leadership, followership, cultural awareness, creating and sustaining relationships / networks, problem solving, decision making, and enterprise / entrepreneurship.
This portfolio will be an individual piece of work, with a 3,000 word count (+/- 10%) of critical commentary.
Please note this assignment must be seen as a distinct piece assessment, and should not be based on any assignments currently or previously submitted for assessment.
The Portfolio
A ‘Portfolio’ is a ‘collection of work’. Your portfolio should draw on your individual research into people’s views, experience and stories and also draw on a range of theory from appropriate academic literature. Secondary research data can also be used to support and enhance the critical discussion.
From past experience the portfolios achieving the higher marks were built on an on-going basis through researching and gathering appropriate evidence to support analysis and evaluation of the concept(s), emerging themes and their application to the real world of management and organisations.
Your portfolio should have an introductory page which clearly sets out your focus i.e. key questions / issues you will you be focusing on through the research project. What factors have led you to choose the focus – your rationale?
The stronger portfolios will draw their research from a range of sources to introduce different perspectives. However, what tends to make these portfolios are the more thoughtful and unique ways to introduce peoples’ lived experience. Secondary research can be used to compare and contrast these experiences.
It is your responsibility as a researcher to ensure that permission has been requested and given from individual participants before adding the data material to the portfolio.
Although it is possible to work with secondary sources care should be taken to ensure that these are not simply used in a descriptive manner and that they are utilised to develop a critical discussion based on the focus established. The stronger portfolios will also identify and demonstrate an understanding of theoretical perspectives drawn from a range of academic literature selected as relevant to your portfolio’s focus and emerging themes.
The stronger portfolios will use the literature and data / evidence to thoughtfully work through a series of coherent phases of analysis and evaluation discussion from which reasoned conclusions are then drawn.
The assessment guidelines will be developed through student discussions within class sessions and will be important to help with your self-evaluation of the portfolio, and the final marking of the submitted portfolio. There will be also be opportunities within class workshop sessions to share ideas and learning, and to discuss issues emerging from the shaping of a focus, the ongoing research, the development of draft material and the design of the final portfolio.
As with all of your assignments you should seek to make effective use of all available resources to help develop the portfolio. These resources include those available via Moodle, including resources and tutor support from the Centre for Academic Success – see link
There are two forms of assessment that will be used during the module. On a frequent basis, you will gain verbal ‘formative feedback’ which will be derived to aid your learning. This feedback is not recorded against your student record, but is to be used by you to improve your work further. The second form of feedback is ‘summative’ assessment and will be the grade and feedback gained from the work you will submit at the end of the module.
To aid you for this section, it is strongly suggested that you keep an academic diary, from the first day of your studies within Birmingham City Business School. This will enable you to better plan your studies / research
Format of the report
This assignment is to be submitted as one document, as a PDF file – any other format uploaded is classed as a non-submission
Include a title page on your Portfolio, including:
the name of the assessment (Individual Portfolio), your name, your student id, module name (The Real World of Management), module code (MAN6006), your lecturer, and your submission date. Following this, you are to include –
Introduction, including your rationale for the research
Benefits and limitations the findings of secondary research in a real-world context
Application and use of appropriate research approaches, tools and techniques to academic / organisational contexts
From primary research, critically evaluate the role of managers as researchers
Draw on research, experience and appropriate literature to evidence depth and breadth of learning and development through an on-going Critical Learning Portfolio
References page
Appendices of evidence of primary data collection
Late Submission Regulations:
•Assessments submitted up to 1 hour after the published deadline will receive no penalty. This will ensure that students will not be unfairly penalised for any slowing of systems around deadlines. Please note you should still aim to upload by the published deadline.
•      Assessments submitted between 1 and 24 hours after the published deadline will be reduced by 5% of actual mark. For example, an original mark of 60% will be reduced by 3% to a mark of 57%.
•      Assessments submitted between 24 hours and 1 week (5 working days) after the published deadline will be reduced by 10% of actual mark. For example, an original mark of 60% will be reduced by 6% to a mark of 54%.
•      Any work submitted more than 1 week (5 working days) after the published deadline will  not be marked, resulting in a fail for the assessment.
The only exceptions to this are:
•      If you have a disability statement granting you extra time to complete the assessment.
•      If you consider that you have exceptional extenuating circumstances that prevent you submitting your assessment on time you may either:
o      Request deferral of your assessment attempt until the next time the module is assessed, which will probably be at the resit or next time the module is taught
o      Request a coursework extension.
•      For either of these cases you must follow the University procedures for submitting a claim for Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances and make this claim seven working days before the assessment deadline.
You are advised to make yourself familiar with the Standard Undergraduate Assessment Regulations if you need to use this process .
Final suggestions
– The assignment should be word processed and double line spaced . Do not (ever) use bullet points (except on PowerPoint slides!)
– Use Arial size 11 point (this font and size) for your assignments.
– State the word count used in the Portfolio
– On each sheet, ensure you have page numbers in the format ‘Page x of y’ – see the footer in this assignment brief for an example.
– All work, including the References pages should be referenced in Harvard style format – there are hand-outs available on-line via Moodle and at the Library website if you are unsure about this.
– Do not use Wikipedia, Google, Googlebooks or Yahoo – the former is not peer assessed and the work is unreliable and the latter are search engines.
– Do use contemporary academic text books and academic journal articles (newspapers are not articles); use post-year 2010 academic work.
University Regulations
The word limit is for your coursework assignment, and does not cover material which is submitted as an appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not be marked unless specified in the brief. Also, it is important that you cross-refer between the main text of your assignment and any appendices, in order to demonstrate the linkage, and that the Appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to this work in the Appendix, then this included work in the Appendices are not marked.
Your References page will not be included in the word count, but where you quote within the assignment (e.g. Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…) will be included in the word count.
Since your work is submitted in electronic format, you are required to declare the number of words used in your assignment. Your work will not be marked without this declaration . All coursework will be checked for adherence to the word limit.
If you produce less than or exceed the word limit by up to 10%, no action will be taken, though you may receive adverse feedback. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the assessment requirements.
Avoiding issues of academic misconduct
Please note this is an individual piece of assessment and you should ensure you have read and understood the University’s guidance on avoiding issues of alleged plagiarism and collusion. Advice is introduced within the Regulations pages – ) – and on the Centre for Academic Success Moodle page. If you have any additional questions on these issues it is essential to discuss them with a Module tutor. The use of Turnitin will be discussed within class sessions and can be used to support students in the effective use of secondary sources, including books, other sources, academic journals and internet sources.  Where appropriate we may use a viva (‘an oral examination’) as part of the assessment process to help clarify and establish student understanding, and to examine the research undertaken for the assignment.
Assignment submission
The method for submitting your assignment is to upload your portfolio electronically, via the upload link on the Real World of Management Module page within Moodle.
You will need to ensure that all of the pages you are submitting for assessment (‘your collection’), are made accessible to Module tutors.  The format and procedure for this submission will be explained and discussed within class sessions.
MAN6006 The Real World of Management
Individual Portfolio – First Attempt
All grades are subject to amendment following internal/external moderation
Student                             id:                             First                         name:                                 Surname:
Overall                              mark:
Introduction/Focus                         15%
Data/evidence                                 building 20%
Academic                                 Theory 20%
Critical                             commentary 30%
Structure/layout                                 etc. 15%
High                         First
Excellent                           use of the introduction to set up an appropriate initial focus,                                 rationale and scope for the research project, in line with the                          Module requirements.  Introduces relevant context relating to the                               research questions/objectives in order to set up very strong                               opportunities for critical depth of research, analysis and                              learning.
The                           portfolio draws on an appropriate range of research methods and                             sources to generate/gather and present relevant evidence/data for                                 the focus.  The ongoing capture of evidence/data offers rich                          insights into the ‘real world’ of organisations from multiple                            perspectives.
The                           portfolio draws on a wide range of relevant and strong academic                          sources. Excellent use of research skills to identify, access and                                 integrate literature / theory to enable multiple perspectives and                                 support critical analysis and evaluation.
Excellent                           and thoughtful application of a range of appropriate academic                                 sources in line with the focus and themes emerging from the                           research. Integrates critical commentary to analyse/evaluate                                links/tensions between theory and practice. Excellent use of the                           closing section synthesising key elements of the portfolio and to                                 highlight the significance of learning from the research project.
Excellent                           use of techniques/design/layout to create an engaging visual                                impact. Thoughtful structure creates a coherent and integrated                                 portfolio.  A clear communication style with consistent and                            accurate use of Harvard referencing format. A professional level                               of presentation. Excellent use of independent study to manage the                         research project, including effective self-evaluation of draft                             work.
High                         2.1
Very                          strong use of the introduction to shape an initial appropriate                              focus, rationale and scope for the research, in line with Module                             requirements. Introduces relevant context for the research                                 questions/objectives to set up strong opportunities for the                         research, analysis and learning.
The                           portfolio draws on an appropriate range of sources to generate,                          gather and present relevant evidence/data in line with the focus.                                  The ongoing gathering of evidence/data offers useful insights                             into the ‘real world’ of organisations.
The                           portfolio draws on a range of relevant academic sources. Very                             strong use of research skills to identify, access and introduce a                               range of relevant theory / models / ideas etc. to enable                              effective analysis and evaluation.
Very                          strong application of a range of appropriate academic sources in                         line with the research focus and the themes emerging from the                           research. Uses effective commentary to explore and critically                         evaluate relevant links between theory and practice. Presents a                                 strong closing section to pull together key parts of the                         portfolio and to identify learning from the research project.
Very                          strong use of techniques / design / layout to create an effective                            visual impact.  An effective structure enables a coherent                            portfolio.  Clear communication with consistent and accurate use                              of Harvard referencing. A professional level of presentation.                             Very strong use of independent study skills to manage the                           research project, including effective self-evaluation of draft                             work.
Low                          2.1
High                         2.2
The                           introduction sets up an appropriate initial focus, rationale and                           scope for the research project, in line with Module requirements.                             Introduces some context relating to research                            questions/objectives to set up useful opportunities for the                         research, analysis and learning.
The                           portfolio draws on a range of sources to gather and present                                 relevant evidence/data.  The evidence/data offers some insights                             into the ‘real world’ of organisations, but could have offered a                              stronger sense of the ongoing nature of the research.
Use                           of a range of relevant academic sources. Good use of research to                                identify, access and introduce relevant theory / models / ideas                           etc. to enable analysis and evaluation. The range,                               appropriateness and quality of sources could have been stronger.
Strong                              application of a range of appropriate academic sources in line                                 with the foc

Buick: Making an Old Brand New AgainWhen General Motors emerged from its financial trouble

Buick: Making an Old Brand New Again
When General Motors emerged from its financial troubles, many observers thought it might discontinue its Buick line. After all, the company had retired the hundred-year-old Oldsmobile several years ago. Once known as the “doctor’s car” or the “banker’s car,” Buick gradually lost its prestige and became known for its older car buyers. But GM decided to regenerate the 106-year-old brand—with some success. GM’s strategy has been to aim at younger, upscale customers by offering only a few Buick models at first, but equipping them with the latest techology, from its OnStar system to DVD players, navigation systems, and the latest safety features. The Enclave, a large crossover vehicle, is popular with buyers about 55 years old; half of the buyers are women. The 2011 Buick Regal sedan is intended to compete with the Acura TSX and the Infiniti G37. Leather upholstery is standard, as are other luxury features. Designers of the revised LaCrosse sedan made sure the backseat has generous headroom and legroom. Buicks have always been popular in China, and GM hopes that the new LaCrosse will appeal to Chinese executives, who travel in chauffeurdriven cars. Many higher-income American buyers are trading in imports for the LaCrosse. By 2012, Buick plans to introduce two more models. How successful has Buick’s strategy been? It may be too soon to tell for sure. The average age of Buick buyers overall has fallen from 70 to 65. Buick sold more than 102,000 vehicles most recently, but that was fewer than the previous year and only about one-fourth as many as earlier in the decade. But Craig Bierly, Buick’s product marketing director, says, “You have to change the product before you can change opinion. It’s still too soon to really come to a verdict. . . . But nobody can say those are old person’s cars anymore. Because they aren’t.”
Questions for Critical Thinking
1. What stage of its life cycle do you think the Buick brand has reached? How did General Motors extend Buick’s life cycle?
2. How are Buick’s new features part of General Motors’ strategy for these cars?
Sources: Company Web site,, accessed May 1, 2010; Barry Silverstein, “Aging Buick Brand Is Young Again,” brandchannel, April 12, 2010,; Steven Cole Smith, “Test Drive: Regal Fuels Buick Revival,” Orlando Sentinel, March 11, 2010,; Carguide editors, “2010 LaCrosse Breaks New Ground for Revived Buick Brand,” Carguide Canada, February 17, 2010,; James M. Amend, “Buick Revival Effort Showing Early Results, GM Marketers Say,” WardsAuto, January 20, 2010,

Functional Groups

Could you please help me with my assignment
id be very grateful
than you
part 1
Alkanes are non-polar and relatively unreactive. However, they will undergo homolytic, free radical substitution with halogens.
i) Describe the reaction mechanism between propane (C3H8) and bromine (Br2) in the presence of UV light.
ii) Explain how the presence of the UV light allows this reaction to take place.

Part 2
a) Represent the following using structural formula:

i) propan-1-ol ii) butan-2-ol iii) butan-1-ol
iv) ethanol v) pentan-3-ol vi) cyclohexanol

b) Below are the structures of three alcohols of molecular formula, C4H10O.

You will be given two samples of alcohol A which reacts with acidified potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7/H+) under different conditions to produce two different products.
Include in your answer:

Explain the conditions (techniques) you required to produce the different products
The names and structures of the products produced
Equations to summarise the reactions involved

c) Draw and name the structure of the product that would result from treating alcohol B with acidified potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7/H+) and heating under reflux.
d) Using the same reagent, describe how you could distinguish between alcohols A or B and alcohol C.
e) Esters can be synthesised in the reaction between alcohols and carboxylic acids in a reaction called esterification.
Ethanol reacts with propanoic acid, name the product of the reaction with its structural formulaThe post Functional Groups first appeared on .Functional Groups was first posted on December 24, 2023 at 9:19 pm.©2019 " ". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected]

Describe three factors that influence the occurrence of disease for a Salmonella foodborne outbreak. Health and medical homework help

According to the epidemiologic triad, there are three factors that influence the occurrence of disease:

Etiologic agent
Host factors
Environmental factors

Describe each of these factors for a Salmonella foodborne outbreak. What are some of the host factors that can influence the occurrence of a disease?
Be sure to support your essay with evidence from the literature
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Salmonellosis. Technical Information. Retrieved on 10/1/13 from

Genetics and Inheritance |

Genetics and Inheritance
Review information on genetic disorders on the National Human Genome Research Institute Site:
Choose a genetic disorder that can be inherited from a parent. Write a 525- to 600-word paper on the genetic disorder. Include the following in your paper:
Summarize the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and how chromosomal abnormalities can lead to genetic disorders.
·Describe the relationship between chromosomes and DNA.
·Identify an example of a genetic disorder and describe the genetic disorder including symptoms, impact on quality of life, and life expectancy. How common is this disorder? Does it run in specific ethnic bloodlines?
Format your paper according to APA guidelines

stem cell research, health and medical assignment help

While stem cell research and human cloning are often interrelated, there are differences in these two approaches. Stem cell research has many medical indications for the treatment of disease. While it is the basis of human cloning, and its purpose clear for that approach, there is much debate in healthcare about where to stop with stem cell research.From thorough research of the topics, what ethical issues are involved in stem cell research and human cloning? Please be sure to research both sides of the issues and discuss in detail how your sources support or do not support these issues. Include references

research about product design |

I want someone to do a research about any topic related to product design, My professor asked to do a research, so I can present it after 2 days.
The research paper at least should have introduction background body and conclusions , but he wants it in APA style
ask me about the product design before you start writing
number of pages doesn’t matter (3 minimum) as long as it contains all the information about a specific topic of design process.