Personal Statement

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Office hours: Email / Appointments

Canvas messages are checked frequently throughout the day and appointments can be scheduled as needed and as often as needed. Please do not hesitate to reach out for questions and help.


Purpose of the course:

EGE 1001 is an active and engaging course that demonstrates the many aspects of engineering and the engineer’s role in society through real world needs.  This course introduces the student to basic engineering concepts and the various engineering disciplines through design and project work.  In addition, the course exposes the student to important engineering tools, methods, and processes.  It also lays the groundwork for entrepreneurial/professional skill-sets all engineers need to possess so that they can effectively communicate technical concepts to others while working in a team setting. 


Course instructional format:

The class will use activity-based lectures and several class projects involving extensive student participation in teamwork and problem solving.  Student group work and written reports involving all course-enrolled students will be presented in class. 


Grading Policy:

  • 25% Attendance, Active Class Participation, and Preparation

It is imperative that students attend class because of the discussion and team project nature of this course.  Missing days will negatively impact your grade in this course.  The reason for missing class is not relevant (see instructor for possible University exceptions).  Please contact the instructor (and project teammates) for any and all anticipated/excused absences, and especially emergencies relating to class attendance. Participation in class discussions, asking and answering questions, preparedness, and helping other class members during group projects is also a critical part of this course.  See Attendance Rubric below for details. 

°        If you miss class, you are expected to acquire any handouts and team assignments that you missed as soon as possible.

°        You are expected to regularly check your email and CANVAS for any announcements/changes regarding the class. 

°        To make-up for lost percentage, you can receive 1% bonus up to 5% for each two hours of community and/or professional service you complete above and beyond your normal activities.  Your instructor must approve service work in advance, and attendance must be verified in writing.


Our products include academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials for assistance purposes only. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references.