How the abstract differs from the test?

How the abstract differs from the test?

Test and essays are one of the most asked types of work at the university, especially in the first years of study. At first glance, the works seem to be different, but in reality, they can be confused. We share proven information that will draw a clear line between them.

Definitions of the abstract and test


This is an extensive report on a given topic or story about what an article, scientific work. Or else, any other content of authoritative literary sources contains. It implies the study of the problem, its disclosure, significance and one’s own attitude towards it.


This is a traditional and time-tested form of knowledge testing for a specific training period. Helps to assess the degree and quality of the accumulated information on the topic. Carried out in the classroom under the teacher’s supervision.

Helps to assess the degree and quality of the accumulated information on the topic. Carried out in the classroom under the teacher’s supervision.

Requirements for the abstract at the university

The implementation of the abstract is regulated by generally accepted standards and norms. We will tell you exactly which aspects of the need apply.


The most frequent question from students. The preferred volume ranges from 17 to 25 A4 sheets. The text is typed in the fourteenth size of the unchanged Times New Roman. The number of characters can go beyond 25. It depends on the topic and the wishes of the teacher. Be sure to check the volume before proceeding.


The volume of the abstract is related to its content. What elements are included there?

  • Title page – face and cover of the entire work;
  • Table of contents (it is also the content) – a listing of all components of the text with a sign of the pages;
  • Introduction – a sign of the purpose, objectives and relevance;
  • The main part – speaks for itself and contains all the most important information on the topic;
  • Conclusion – summing up and summarizing the goals and objectives from the introduction;
  • List of used literature – citing sources from which information was taken;
  • Appendices – extra materials in the form of figures, tables, diagrams, etc.

The presence of all these points in the text of the abstract is mandatory (except for annexes) and is not even discussed.

Technical requirements

Already set on edge, but mandatory parameters that must be observed:

  • Text that needs to be aligned in width;
  • Margins on all sides with indents of 2 centimeters;
  • Paragraph indents of 1.25 centimeters;
  • Line spacing – one and a half or single.

These values ​​are regulated by manuals.

How the abstract differs from the test

abstractLet’s move on to what distinguishes the abstract from the test.

  1. The test is written on the basis of the material already passed, and the abstract implies an independent study of the problem.
  2. Test is a mandatory form of knowledge testing, which is not even discussed. The abstract can be the student’s own initiative.
  3. The same goes for the topic. The test happens in class and is given to the teacher, the essay is written at home and defended in front of classmates.
  4. The test contains both theoretical and practical parts, and the abstract consists only of theory.
  5. They assess in different ways: the “pass – not pass” system for test tests and the usual five-point scale for abstracts.

The works also differ in the volume, pre-established by the teacher and norms.

We wish you to be successful in completing both the abstract and the test. Incase you need help, order your work today from best price tutors and the assignment  will be appreciated and delivered on time.